Inclusivity in Engineering: Why It Shapes the Future of the Sector
Gepubliceerd op 05-07-2024
In 2024, men and women theoretically have equal opportunities. Yet, in certain sectors, men still outnumber women in the workforce. The technical sector is a prime example, where only 15% of the workforce is female. Women in technical roles often face skepticism or are viewed as less competent, which is far from the truth. At Women in Technics, we’re committed to changing this narrative.
The value women bring to the sector
Women are known for their precision, which contributes to a more customer-focused approach, heightened responsibility, and stronger planning and organizational skills. They tend to be more detail-oriented and often view problems and solutions from a different perspective. This diversity of thought fosters creativity and innovation within companies. A balanced team of men and women leads to better decision-making and greater innovation, as the strengths of both genders are harnessed to create more effective teams.
Why are only 15% of engineers women?
The low percentage of women in technical fields isn’t due to a lack of interest. In fact, more women are choosing technical studies and careers. However, while men tend to pursue vocational technical training at levels 3 or 4, women are more likely to opt for higher education, such as bachelor’s or master’s degrees in technical fields.
A major obstacle is the lack of female role models at the vocational level, leaving women with fewer sources of inspiration. Many technical education programs are still geared toward male participants, making women feel unwelcome. Additionally, societal stereotypes often cast women in technical roles as exceptions rather than the norm. Despite an increasing number of women completing technical studies, only 35% remain in the field after graduation.
Embracing diversity beyond gender
Diversity in the workplace isn’t just about gender; it’s about embracing differences in ethnicity, background, culture, and belief systems. A diverse team thrives when trust and a positive atmosphere are prioritized. Such teams deliver higher-quality work and more innovative solutions.
Our mission at Women in Technics and Welding
At Women in Technics, we are dedicated to addressing the shortage of technical talent. We partner with companies in the technical sector to offer work-study programs designed to retrain women as technical experts. Our goal? To inspire more women to switch to technical careers. We provide guidance and training for 1 to 2 years, empowering women to reach their full potential. We also offer support throughout the sometimes daunting career transition, ensuring a safe and encouraging environment. Our mission isn’t just to increase the number of women in the technical field—it’s about promoting diversity and narrowing the talent gap by unlocking the potential of women in the sector.
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